Jan 15, 2009

A little dedication, and a lotta love...

Right... so I've been really lazy about this blogging thing. I'd like to say that I have a host of convincing (or at least serviceable) excuses. But I don't. All this is especially hypocritical given the fact that I'm often overheard giving the advice "If you want to be a better writer, you've got to practice!"

But hey, isn't it the hallmark of a great motivational speaker that they don't follow their own advice? (e.g. Bill Clinton speaking on family values, Jimmy Swaggart speaking on faith, Paris Hilton just speaking)

Right, so here's my blog new year's resolution: At least 1 a week. All year. That's right. So, maybe this will actually become readable - or something like that.

So, I made it down to STAPLES Center last night - to watch my beloved Clips lose their 12th straight game... bleh. And just as the game was coming to its woeful close, heard from a dancer friend (...FRIEND, F...R...I...E...N...D) seated close by, who, to protect her name, we'll call "Whacky", lamented about her lifetime dream to have black children. A little deeper analysis revealed that Whacky didn't necessarily want to (nor is she currently willing to) date or have children with a black man - she just wants the "cute" kids.... Brangelina style.

In true Hollywood fashion, the whimsical and ill-advised behavior of the rich and famous has now become haute couture for the proletariat. As if primped up children in $500 outfits isn't a disturbing enough accessory - now we've added a white-guilt assuaging component to it, by dolling up refugee children from developing nations as effigies to our own self-esteem issues. It's almost enough to make me long for the days when all you needed to look rich and famous was the furry carcass of some dead animal draped around your shoulders. I wonder if these girls realize that these "cute kids" will someday grow up to be difficult teenagers, and that they'll still be responsible for their care and feeding... maybe I can use a "puppies grow up to be dogs" analogy.

Luckily for the rest of us (and for what's left of the moral fabric of our society) adoption is a lengthy and expensive process (even from Uganda) - which deters the casually interested... and luckily for me, just a moment later, Whacky decided that she didn't, in fact, want "black children" anymore... she was over it.


1 comment:

MissWatermelons said...

OMG I peed. No joke. That was hysterical.